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Copyright ©2014, juliette gribnau
Viewed times

Photographer: juliette gribnau
Folder: The beauty of Grass
Uploaded: 07-Aug-2014 08:50 CEST
Current Rating: 7.00/1
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Model release available: 1
Camera: Olympus E-M5
Exposure time: 1/400 s
Aperture: F8
Focal length: 43 mm
Lens: m zuiko 12-50mm
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 200
White balance: Clouds
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: resize
Image resized to: 751x1024

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Grass 6

This view is great and more interesting......the grey things hanging down add more interest to the grass & photo.

Joyce Madden at 09:48 CEST on 07-Aug-2014 [Reply]


Joyce Madden wrote:
> This view is great and more interesting......the grey things hanging down add more interest
> to the grass & photo.

thanx Joyce... thar's the seeds

juliette gribnau at 11:12 CEST on 07-Aug-2014 [Reply]


I agree, I like this one the best out of the series. is the "shiny" appearance the actual image, or the result of post processing?

Katrina Adams at 11:49 CEST on 07-Aug-2014 [Reply]


Katrina Adams wrote:
> I agree, I like this one the best out of the series. is the "shiny" appearance the actual
> image, or the result of post processing?

thanx Joyce and Katrina

I have to correct a mistake at my end... the dark things hanging down aren't seeds, but the male-part of the flower, where the white thingie is the female-part

juliette gribnau at 18:10 CEST on 07-Aug-2014 [Reply]