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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > Ken's Images > Across Loch Fyne

Across Loch Fyne

Across Loch Fyne
Copyright ©2012, Ken Thomas
Viewed times

One of a series of photographs of the same simple subject taken as an exercise in interpretation.

Photographer: Ken Thomas
Folder: Ken's Images
Uploaded: 08-Nov-2012 21:16 CET
Current Rating: 9.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E-M5
Exposure time: 1/500 s
Aperture: F6.3
Focal length: 19 mm
Lens: M.Zuiko 12-50mm f/3.5-6.3
Focusing method:
ISO: 640
White balance:
Flash: no
Image format:
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 578x1024

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Really like the composition

I really like the composition of the picture overall. The red float by the small boat is almost glaring in contrast to the muted colors of the rest of the scene, but it is very nice overall.

Henry Bohleke at 15:47 CET on 18-Nov-2012 [Reply]


Henry Bohleke wrote:
> I really like the composition of the picture overall. The red float by the small boat is almost
> glaring in contrast to the muted colors of the rest of the scene, but it is very nice overall.
Thanks for your comment and rating - I'm glad you like it. It was a very cold and wet miserable day with no wind, as can be seen by the placid surface of the water. The light varied and at times, although it was very cloudy, was quite bright. I found that the bright but scattered light gave some very pleasing results.

Ken Thomas at 21:08 CET on 18-Nov-2012 [Reply]