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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > DennyG > GrassHopper


Copyright ©2012, Denny Giacobe
Viewed times

Returned home from a photo shoot and found this guy hanging out on my front deck. He stayed put even when I got up close to him.

Photographer: Denny Giacobe
Folder: DennyG
Uploaded: 13-Aug-2012 13:17 CEST
Current Rating: 7.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E-30
Exposure time: 60
Aperture: 8
Focal length: 35
Lens: 35 macro
Focusing method: Manual
ISO: 200
White balance: Daylight
Flash: no
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: Adjusted exposure in light room
Image resized to: 586x640

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Very nice photo. Eye is not sharp - I would set higher aperture.
Anyway - very good.

Waldemar Ozminkowski at 07:02 CEST on 16-Aug-2012 [Reply]


Waldemar Ozminkowski wrote:
> Very nice photo. Eye is not sharp - I would set higher aperture.
> Anyway - very good.
> Waldemar
You are absolutely correct about the focus, my problem was available light and I was hand holding the camera.
I wish I had a tripod handy so I could have slowed the shutter speed and upped the F stop.
But do to the lighting this was the best that I could do with what I had at the moment.
Thank you for your time and comment.

Denny Giacobe at 05:06 CEST on 25-Aug-2012 [Reply]