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MyOlympus.orgPublic folders > CarliJayne > Beach Couple

Beach Couple

Beach Couple
Copyright ©2012, Carli Fronius
Viewed times

Cute couple at the beach.

Photographer: Carli Fronius
Folder: CarliJayne
Uploaded: 11-Apr-2012 07:21 CEST
Current Rating: 9.50/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E-620
Exposure time: 1/4000 s
Aperture: F0
Focal length: 0 mm
Focusing method:
ISO: 100
White balance:
Flash: no
Image format:
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 855x1041

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Even though the sky dominates the compostion, you have crafted it such that I believe this really works. It appears you took great care in the placement of the subject matter and the selective focus.
Mark Stodter

Mark Stodter at 00:07 CEST on 12-Apr-2012 [Reply]


Thank you

Carli Fronius at 01:33 CEST on 18-Apr-2012 [Reply]


I also like the strong, parallel, color lines, they add great drama to the image.

Katrina Adams at 07:02 CEST on 24-Apr-2012 [Reply]