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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > WelshClan > MyboySamson



Copyright ©2004, Robert Welsh
Viewed times

Our 8 month old, 84 pound, carpet chewing, garden digging German Shepherd named Samson.

Photographer: Robert Welsh
Folder: WelshClan
Uploaded: 04-Oct-2004 13:46 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C8080
Exposure time: 1/30
Aperture: f2.4
Focal length: 7.1mm
Focusing method:
ISO: 64
White balance: Auto
Flash: external
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Jasc Paint Shop Pro
Image resized to: 661x881

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I like this picture, but I'm partial to German Shephards. We had two. I believe they are the best dogs one can own.

Loren Lewis at 17:59 CEST on 04-Oct-2004 [Reply]