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Treasure Falls, Colorado

Treasure Falls, Colorado
Copyright ©2010, Bruce Thomas
Viewed times

Stab #2 at Treasure Falls in SW Colorado. Someone pointed out (correctly) that my first posted image was not all that sharp. So am posting this one as a replacement.

This one is JOG from the camera, resized and sharpened in PS.

1/25th f10, hand held with IS #1 turned on.

Photographer: Bruce Thomas
Folder: Bruce Thomas
Uploaded: 07-Jul-2010 03:01 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E30
Exposure time: 1/25th
Aperture: f10.0
Focal length: 18mm
Lens: 14-42mm New kit lens
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 100
White balance: Clouds
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 854x648

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Gradiation Auto...


Someone commented that my last version of Treasure Falls was not as sharp as it could have been and I agreed.

Uploaded this version and it's better but still not as good as I thought it could have been.

Just reviewed the camera settings and I see that I had "Graduation" set to 'Auto" when I usually have it set to "Normal".

I do believe setting Graduation to Auto on the E30 leads to a degradation of image sharpness.


Bruce Thomas at 18:01 CEST on 07-Jul-2010 [Reply]


> Just reviewed the camera settings and I see that I had "Graduation" set to 'Auto" when I usually
> have it set to "Normal".

Make that "Gradiation"...

Bruce Thomas at 19:00 CEST on 07-Jul-2010 [Reply]


Make that "gradation". Those are very pretty falls. Even the little ones down at the bottom are very interesting.

Scott Law at 04:58 CEST on 23-Jul-2010 [Reply]

Treasure Falls

POV is awesome Bruce....great pic..


Arun Prabhu at 14:30 CEST on 31-Jul-2010 [Reply]