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MyOlympus.orgPublic folders > Bruce Thomas > Mountain Lake...

Mountain Lake...

Mountain Lake...
Copyright ©2010, Bruce Thomas
Viewed times

A small mountain lake formed by a series of beaver dams. This is in the Pike National Forest in Colorado. It's an E30 5 exposure (-2 -1 0 +1 +2) HDR on tripod and using a remote release. I believe it's a bit sharper than my hand held HDR's. The 5 images used were all JPG's produced by the E30.

Photographer: Bruce Thomas
Folder: Bruce Thomas
Uploaded: 13-Jun-2010 20:05 CEST
Current Rating: 7.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E30
Exposure time:
Aperture: 7.1
Focal length: 9mm
Lens: 9-18mm
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: HQ
Processing applied:
Various: Photomatix 3.0 via HDR and "Tone Compression"
Image resized to: 600x800

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This one looks a bit too saturated and oversharpened/processed. The composotion is a bit unbalanced in my opinion.

Alfred Molon at 22:29 CEST on 13-Jun-2010 [Reply]