The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs


Copyright ©2009, Greg Mennegar
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Photographer: Greg Mennegar
Folder: e-620
Uploaded: 17-Dec-2009 14:58 CET
Current Rating: 8.50/2
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Model release available: 1
Camera: Olympus E620
Exposure time: 1/160
Aperture: 5.6
Focal length: 30MM
Lens: 9-18
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 100
White balance: Manual(One Touch)
Flash: external
Image format: RAW
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 1067x800

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Great shot

Very well composed and exposed. I like the sharpness. Did you use the stabilizer?.


Jes Consuegra at 01:04 CET on 19-Dec-2009 [Reply]


Thank you for the nice compliments Jes. I generally leave IS on all the time, except when shooting on a tripod (which I don't use in the studio). IS was on in this shot, but the combination of shooting with a strobe and the shutter speed and aperture probably had more to do with the sharpness. I also applied sharpening in post production. When I uploaded the file, I put that I used the 14-54 lens, but it was actually the 9-18.

Greg Mennegar at 01:22 CET on 19-Dec-2009 [Reply]


Vey well done Greg! Great photo and gorgeous model too. You have controlled the light perfectly. Good colours and especially skin tone looks fantastic. And especially I like the composition and pose of model. Her posture looks very well balanced in regarding the frame and her serious concentrated expression gives some extra "sporty" feeling to photo.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year too!

Pekka Nihtinen at 08:29 CET on 23-Dec-2009 [Reply]