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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > Mark's pics > Lake Nottingham

Lake Nottingham

Lake Nottingham
Copyright ©2009, Mark Lannutti
Viewed times

A Lake behind our resort in Avon Co.

Photographer: Mark Lannutti
Folder: Mark's pics
Uploaded: 13-Oct-2009 04:38 CEST
Current Rating: 8.00/1
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E510
Exposure time: 1/100
Aperture: F9.00
Focal length: 40mm
Lens: Oly 14-42mm
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Three images combined inPhotomatix, Focus Magic
Image resized to: 768x1024

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Lake Nottingham

Very impressive landscape in the background. Nice shot, Mark!

Arun Prabhu at 05:48 CEST on 13-Oct-2009 [Reply]


Arun Prabhu wrote:
> Very impressive landscape in the background. Nice shot, Mark!
Thanks Arun, it's a cluttered foreground, but at the time I wanted to get as much of the mountains and trees as I could. It's impossible to take a picture that doesn't include beautiful scenery here!

Mark Lannutti at 23:18 CEST on 13-Oct-2009 [Reply]