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Flying fly...

Flying fly...
Copyright ©2009, Bijan Falsafi
Viewed times

I was amazed by the way this bird seemed to be looking at the fly next to him.

Photographer: Bijan Falsafi
Folder: natur
Uploaded: 18-Apr-2009 15:57 CEST
Current Rating: 10.00/2
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Sharing: 1 time(s).
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E520
Exposure time: 1/400s
Aperture: f 8.0
Focal length: 600mm
Lens: ZD 70-300mm
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 200
White balance: Clouds
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Resized. Sharpened for web.
Image resized to: 601x800

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God you are quicker than Sport shooters!

I love to see you three together! All want to catch each other. But you are the winner, you catch them before the fly bite you and the bird devour the fly! Nice shot and perfect crop. Sam

Sam Foroutani at 20:28 CEST on 18-Apr-2009 [Reply]


This is a perfect one. Perfect timing, composition, everything that should be in focus is in focus, the background is blurred, good lighting.

Alfred Molon at 19:34 CEST on 26-Apr-2009 [Reply]


Thanks Alfred, you know it was just a chance to capture fly and bird together. But yes focus and exposure was there few frames before and after this shot.

Bijan Falsafi at 20:12 CEST on 27-Apr-2009 [Reply]