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Caught With His Paw In The Cookie Jar

Caught With His Paw In The Cookie Jar
Copyright ©2008, Mike McMullen
Viewed times

A close up of Mr. Raccoon at his favorite bird feeder taken last night.

I saw Ed and Mr. Raccoon trot up to the maple tree in the dark. When I got the camera out, Ed trotted back off into the field. We are in a payment dispute over his last photo.:-)

Mr. Raccoon took his usual place and I decided to try and get a closer shot of him.

I was using my trusty 50mm 4/3rds(100mm 35mm) lens which is a primary lens. F/2.0 really helps for low light shots.

I got about 4 feet from Mr. Raccoon and aside from looking at me once and awhile he just kept eating.

F/2.0, ISO 100 1/100, Flash, IS.


Photographer: Mike McMullen
Folder: Mike's Pics
Uploaded: 28-Mar-2008 15:06 CET
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E510
Exposure time: 1/100
Aperture: f/2
Focal length: 50mm/100mm
Lens: Zuiko f-2.0 50mm Macro Lens
Focusing method: Spot
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: internal
Image format: RAW
Processing applied: Cropped, red eye removal and slightly sharpened
Image resized to: 859x785

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