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MyOlympus.orgPrivate folders > Moon > So Near, Yet So Far

So Near, Yet So Far


So Near, Yet So Far
Copyright ©2008, Karen Jack
Viewed times

Photographer: Karen Jack
Folder: Moon
Uploaded: 21-Jan-2008 09:51 CET
Current Rating: 7.00/2
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E400
Exposure time:
Aperture: 10
Focal length: 1000mm
Lens: Sigma 50-500
Focusing method: iESP P-AF
ISO: 100
White balance: Auto
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: Crop, Adjust Levels, USM
Image resized to: 664x800

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a very full moon there Karen, it has stayed well hidden in the UK for the last week unfortunately.

duncan mackie at 10:43 CET on 21-Jan-2008 [Reply]


I should have said "where I am" in my last comment - clearly some parts of the UK have seen it!

duncan mackie at 10:46 CET on 21-Jan-2008 [Reply]


Nice Full Moon Karen, I have been trying for awile not to get
a shot that is this clear. I'm trying to use a MAK 1400mm telescope and can't quite get it to focus but I'm wooking at it.

Bob Anderson at 01:36 CET on 23-Jan-2008 [Reply]


Sorry, to get a shot like this, I just can't type :-)

Bob Anderson at 01:37 CET on 23-Jan-2008 [Reply]

Very nice

I've been trying to get an image this sharp with my Oly 40-150 and e-510, do you remember the exposure time? Did you use any anti-shake function?

Mark Lannutti at 03:14 CET on 29-Jan-2009 [Reply]