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Gone To Seed

Gone To Seed
Copyright ©2007, Dave Hamlin
Viewed times

Flower heads are begining to turn to seeds. Guess we know what is coming. Playing with my 50mm lens.

Photographer: Dave Hamlin
Folder: 0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin
Uploaded: 15-Aug-2007 17:11 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/3
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Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E510
Exposure time: 1/2sec
Aperture: F/22
Focal length: 50mm
Lens: Zuiko DigitalED50mmf2.0Macro
Focusing method: iESP P-AF
ISO: 200
White balance: Clouds
Flash: no
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: cropped and used a #85 warming filter
Various: was trying apetures settings and got up to this F/22 which I kind of liked. Started with F/4
Image resized to: 736x780

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Excellent Shot Dave...;-))
Like it a lot , very sharp good compo and well exposed.....!!

Fonzy - at 18:18 CEST on 15-Aug-2007 [Reply]

Gone To Seed - re-visite:

Dave -

This is quite interesting, but I confess my ignorance. What sort of plant life is this?


Leon Plympton at 04:40 CEST on 16-Aug-2007 [Reply]

Gone To Seed

Sorry Leon, I do not know either. I thought the seedhead was a Poppy, it was broken off, and the dead stem beside it looked boring, so I married the two.

Dave Hamlin at 12:44 CEST on 16-Aug-2007 [Reply]

Gone to seed


Great result from a simple subject. Good DOF.

Kindest Regards: Peter

Peter French at 21:51 CEST on 16-Aug-2007 [Reply]

Gone To Seed - re-visited (again):

Dave -

I thought that looked like a poppy but I've never actually seen one - only in photos. But I thought they were a bit illegal to grow here in the US, so I wondered what else it might be.

As for the dead stem, it resembles a weathered pipe, which I suppose would go well with the poppy - I guess.


Leon Plympton at 00:32 CEST on 17-Aug-2007 [Reply]


Interesting, and deceptive, image. I thought it was a tree branch with some large exotic bud, maybe 5-6 inches in diameter. It's also a difficult shot given the wide dynamic range. You've kept most of it in the scale, although I think I might have lightened up the pod just a bit more. Hard to believe it's just a poppy!

I am Hokuto at 10:44 CEST on 18-Aug-2007 [Reply]


Intersting compostion with the poppy capsule, congrats, regards, Ricardo

Ricardo Rico at 00:53 CEST on 19-Aug-2007 [Reply]