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Friend on my fingertip

Friend on my fingertip
Copyright ©2007, Fonzy -
Viewed times

While taking pictures outside in my garden this Dragonfly was so friendly to come and sit on my fingertip....Grabbed my small C-300Zoom ( Camedia ) to take a image from it.....Replaced the background because it was very distracting ( livingroom) My next upload will be the same Dragonfly when she left my fingertip and found a other tip to sit on.....( shot with the E510)

Photographer: Fonzy -
Folder: My E-510
Uploaded: 06-Aug-2007 21:20 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C4000
Exposure time:
Focal length:
Focusing method:
White balance:
Flash: no
Image format:
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 534x800

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Adrie Hubregtsen wrote:
> Hi Fons, I didn't now that you where an Dragonfly whisperer.LOL.
I was very surprised when this little Dragonfly came to sit on my fingertip...
Next shot is the same Dragonfly when she took of and found a other tip to sit on....;-))

Fonzy - at 21:37 CEST on 06-Aug-2007 [Reply]

Friend on my fingertip - re-visited:

Fons -

Adrie got it right; you're the DragonFly Whisperer - but you're not alone; as I recall, Nigel uploaded a photo he took of a DragonFly on one of his fingertips.

Great Stuff!!! I don't know how you guys do it.


Leon Plympton at 02:29 CEST on 07-Aug-2007 [Reply]


Thanks Leon...
And yes you are right , good memory...;-))

Fonzy - at 09:19 CEST on 07-Aug-2007 [Reply]


Thanks Reijo,
They are my favourite , I really like them.....;-))

Fonzy - at 14:58 CEST on 07-Aug-2007 [Reply]