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cyrus eaton thinkers lodge

cyrus eaton thinkers lodge
Copyright ©2007, david hodges
Viewed times

cyrus eaton thinkers lodge in Pugwash .Nova Scotia. this is where world leaders and scientists gather to discuss ways to attain disarmament and world peace.

Photographer: david hodges
Folder: dave's pics
Uploaded: 06-Jul-2007 08:04 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus E500
Exposure time:
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Flash: no
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Image resized to: 600x800

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Nicely captured Dave.... would like to have seen all of the shoreline in this image...

Robert Melnyk at 20:51 CEST on 06-Jul-2007 [Reply]


Robert Melnyk wrote:
> Nicely captured Dave.... would like to have seen all of the shoreline in this image...
> so would I. I didn't like the light so didn,t bother to really set up composition.but like most photographers took the shot anyway. will return for another shot when tide and sun are right.

david hodges at 05:01 CEST on 07-Jul-2007 [Reply]