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Velvet ant on forest floor

Velvet ant on forest floor
Copyright ©2007, Joe Saladino
Viewed times

Saw this beautiful velvet ant on the forest floor and captured this macro during an opportune moment while it remained still when feeding on a tiny fragment of organic material. Supermacro setting, tripod, external flash, autofocus, autoexposure, aperture priority.

Photographer: Joe Saladino
Folder: Critters
Uploaded: 30-Apr-2007 16:30 CEST
Model release available:
Camera: Olympus C8080
Exposure time: 1/3 sec
Aperture: f 8.0
Focal length:
Focusing method: iESP
ISO: 50
White balance: Auto
Flash: external
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied:
Image resized to: 597x800

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Velvet ant on forest floor


That's a fine shot. You're most fortunate that she didn't decide to demonstrate her aggressive and/or defensive behavior when you decided to get that photo.

Some years ago I had the misfortune of sitting on a velvet ant (actually a flightless wasp - and frequently referred to a 'COW KILLER) while wearing a short pair of cut-off jeans - HUGE Mistake!!! Of course, I didn't do it on purpose; didn't know she was there - but I found out in an instant; the pain was amazingly intense and lingered on and on for more than a half hour by which time it began to fade all too slowly.

It felt as though I had just sat upon a red hot coal, or what I imagine a nugget of white phosphorus must feel like. I jumped up immediately, hopping around wondering what in the world had just happened to me.

The velvet ant also seemed a bit dazed - imagine the weight that had been on her. Once she re-gained her bearings she headed for cover. FWIW: To this day I give these critters all the room they want.


Leon Plympton at 22:02 CEST on 30-Apr-2007 [Reply]

Velvet and (wasp)

Leon Plympton wrote:
> Joe:
> That's a fine shot. You're most fortunate that she didn't decide to demonstrate her aggressive
> and/or defensive behavior when you decided to get that photo.
> Some years ago I had the misfortune of sitting on a velvet ant (actually a flightless wasp
> - and frequently referred to a 'COW KILLER) while wearing a short pair of cut-off jeans -
> HUGE Mistake!!! Of course, I didn't do it on purpose; didn't know she was there - but I found
> out in an instant; the pain was amazingly intense and lingered on and on for more than a half
> hour by which time it began to fade all too slowly.
> It felt as though I had just sat upon a red hot coal, or what I imagine a nugget of white
> phosphorus must feel like. I jumped up immediately, hopping around wondering what in the world
> had just happened to me.
> The velvet ant also seemed a bit dazed - imagine the weight that had been on her. Once she
> re-gained her bearings she headed for cover. FWIW: To this day I give these critters all the
> room they want.
> -leon
Thanks for the comments and information Leon. Ouch!!! That must have really hurt! I can relate in some ways. Years ago I stepped on a stingray at the beach and was stung on the ankle. That was a pain I will never forget. I knew about velvet ants and their sting and made sure no contact was made.

Joe S

Joe Saladino at 22:27 CEST on 30-Apr-2007 [Reply]