The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs


Copyright ©2004, Ather Rana
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Photographer: Ather Rana
Folder: Common area
Uploaded: 30-Sep-2004 01:40 CEST
Current Rating: 9.00/4
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Model release available: 1
Camera: Olympus C8080
Exposure time:
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ISO: 50
White balance: Shadows
Flash: internal
Image format: SHQ
Processing applied: photoshop 7.0
Image resized to: 634x499

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All I can say is Wow! What a great presentation.

Dale Gangloff at 04:06 CEST on 30-Sep-2004 [Reply]

Really good!

Wow! it!

Ricard Bergstr?m at 17:11 CEST on 30-Sep-2004 [Reply]


Excellent portrait. Good job!

Rian Houston at 14:12 CEST on 13-Oct-2004 [Reply]


This is a beautiful shot. My only comment is that Sana's eyeliner on the inner part of her eyes distracts from the photo as well as her natural beauty. I think I would like this photo better with just a little less harsh makeup! Otherwise WOW what a nice picture.

Amy Fournier at 04:37 CET on 31-Oct-2004 [Reply]

Very nice

Great portrait with lovely lighting. Generally excellent composition but I am having trouble with the hand, in particular the nails. With portraits you are always attracted to the eyes and the one on the left is so close to the nails that they are a distraction. If her fingers were outstretched they would not be showing. Love the effect that the dodghing tool has given around the picture's periphery.

Dave Bennett at 23:26 CET on 29-Jan-2005 [Reply]


A beautiful shot really, but I do agree that the eyeliner is a little detracting and I personally don't like the nose piercing. As for the photo itself you may want to retouch the eyes to remove the flash glare?

Valorie Spencer at 23:11 CET on 17-Feb-2005 [Reply]