The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Jens Birch Piece of Cake!

The moon on November 17 at 21.59 from my garden, Link?ping, Sweden.

Jens' Nature 17-Nov-2005
Jani Fofonoff Piece of Peace

Quiet evening at the lake. Rovaniemi, Finland.

natur 17-Jun-2010
Wen X Zhong Pieces Vincent's C-8080 Folder 22-Jun-2005
Fonzy - Pied Avocet My Birds 2007 14-Aug-2007
Fonzy - Pied Avocet(2) 2010 18-May-2010
Arun Prabhu Pied Bushchat

Also called Saxicola Caprata or Pratincola Caprata by binomial names

E-410 photos 04-Dec-2009
Jens Birch Pied flycatcher - female Female pied flycatcher (Ficedula hipeleuca)

Isn't she cute? No wonder that the males are strutting and singing for them.

Cheers, Jens.
Jens' Wildlife 16-May-2005
dee vee Pier

Bodega Bay

Water scapes 14-Dec-2013
David Shayani Pier #7 David's Photography 27-Dec-2005
dee vee Pier (2)

Bodega Bay

Water scapes 14-Dec-2013