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Author Title Folder Created
Randall Beaudin Oak Tree Seed Pods RanD'Art 27-May-2011
Mike Bywater Oban Harbour

After two days of continuous rain the clouds started to rise and the harbour was calm in a strange liquid sort of light. It probably hasn't translated properly to the photograph..... An hour later the clouds descended and it rained again!

Mike Bywater's Pics 19-May-2012
Mike Bywater Oban Harbour (HDR)

I have posted a "straight" picture of this scene - this is the same picture with a fairly light HDR treatment.

Mike Bywater's Pics 19-May-2012
Mike Bywater Oban Harbour 2 (2)

A brief lull on a very wet day

Mike Bywater's Pics 10-Jun-2012
karmen orlić gr?etić Obi karmen photos 25-Oct-2006
Jo Santos Obidos E300 Vs E500 10-Dec-2006
dee vee Observatory

James Lick Observatory

The Bay Area 26-Sep-2013
Julio Vannini Observatory in a cold sunset

First attempt to produce a HDR picture with the observatory's dome as test subject.

Vannini Pics 29-Aug-2014
karmen orlić gr?etić Oby karmen photos 19-Sep-2005
karmen orlić gr?etić Oby & Denis karmen photos 05-Apr-2005