The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Rocco Zoric Murter Croatia 17-Jun-2006
Rocco Zoric Murter (2) Croatia 09-Jan-2008
Rocco Zoric Murter - Put crkve Croatia 01-Jul-2013
Ricardo Rico Musa

my daughter´s dog

Ricardo R. Rico 12-Nov-2007
Hans Gerlich Muscari armeniacum 1 H Gerlich 05-Apr-2006
Hans Gerlich Muscari armeniacum 2 H Gerlich 05-Apr-2006
Fonzy - Muscovy Duck

This rare duck I noticed today in a local canal...

My Birds 2007 04-Feb-2007
Cleveland Aaron Museum of Modern art, Vienna. R.Cleveland Aaron 13-Feb-2011
Mark Stodter Mushroom

The underside of a portabella mushroom. Used a Fotodiox macro extension tube -($10) what a deal!

Mark_Stodter 30-Oct-2011
manuel sousa Mushroom 12-Oct-2008