The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Dave Hall Mull waterfall David's landscapes. 07-Jul-2011
Arun Prabhu Mulshi Lake

A view of Mulshi Lake near Pune - India.

Common area 23-Nov-2010
Rina Kupfer Multi Colors Rina's 06-Apr-2008
Kim Guarnaccia Multnomah Falls

Today was very misty (and cold!), but I like the way this image turned out. It's kind of dreamy looking. ND4 and Circular Polarizer used.

Kim Guarnaccia 18-Dec-2004
CG Anderson Mulu the Watcher

Mulu speleothem of the Webster Cave System, Breckinridge County, KY (US).

Darklight Imagery 8080 28-Feb-2005
Mike Babson Mum - Look what I have found

...when you are young, and everything is new...

MikeB pictures 22-Jul-2007
Bijan Falsafi Munich Olympic Stadium

Even after 40 years, it is amazing! A modern design, which is classical too....

Various 08-Sep-2010
dee vee Mural

Little Tokyo

Urban scenes 13-Jul-2013
dee vee Mural (2)

Pier 45

Creatures like you and I 20-Jan-2014
Greg Mennegar Murphy OM-D E-M1 27-Jul-2014