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Author Title Folder Created
Arun Prabhu Mrs Elegance!

Pied Bushchat ( female) - Saxicola caprata. A small passerine found ranging from West and Central Asia to South and Southeast Asia...

Common area 20-Nov-2011
Lee W Mt Baker Sunrise Lee's Collections 01-Oct-2008
Rian Houston Mt Bierstadt Trail

Taken on a hike up Mt Bierstadt (14060 ft) in Colorado. Looking back at Guanella Pass Road.

Rian Houston 21-Nov-2004
Kiffin Miller Mt Cook New Zealand Kiffin Miller 26-May-2010
Katrina Adams Mt Finkol in Clouds 2 Katrina's Kosrae Images 13-Feb-2012
Lee W Mt McKinley

The highest mountain peak in North America, approximately 20,320 feet (6,194 m)

Lee's Collections 09-Aug-2008
Chris Galbraith Mt Timpanogos 2

Medium lense. Huge corniches caused by spring storm.

chrishg 01-May-2005
Bob Doucette Mt Washington Auto Road #1

Taken from the top of Mt Washington in New Hampshire. The tallest point in New England.

Bob Doucette 06-Sep-2007
Bob Doucette Mt Washington Auto Road #3

Cog Rail Road coming to the summit.

Bob Doucette 06-Sep-2007
dee vee Mt Whitney

Highest peak in contiguous US

Eastern Sierra 12-Nov-2013