The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Greg Mennegar Mount Rainier OM-D E-M1 22-Sep-2016
Greg Mennegar Mount Rainier at Sunset

This shot is with the Bigma at 500 MM. Mount Rainier is about 80 miles from my house.

Bigma 24-Aug-2010
Gary Hebert Mount Rundle Winter Common area 13-Jan-2005
Bob Doucette Mount Washington Auto Rd #2 Bob Doucette 06-Sep-2007
Bob Doucette Mount Washington Hotel

Mount Washingon Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hamspshire.

Bob Doucette 04-Jul-2006
Adolfo Hernandez Mountain monterrey 28-Nov-2005
Lee W Mountain and Harbor

Majestic Mt. Rainier

Lee's Collections 21-Jul-2009
Dave Hall Mountain Bike Sculpture

Another taken for a club competition, Sport. Is an imaged of a sculpture of a mountain bike on a roundabout in Hadleigh, Essex, UK. Lens was zoomed during exposure.

Odd shots 11-Aug-2012
Bruce Thomas Mountain Lake...

A small mountain lake formed by a series of beaver dams. This is in the Pike National Forest in Colorado. It's an E30 5 exposure (-2 -1 0 +1 +2) HDR on tripod and using a remote release. I believe it's a bit sharper than my hand held HDR's. The 5 images used were all JPG's produced by the E30.

Bruce Thomas 13-Jun-2010
Javier Elejalde Mountain landscape

A landscape of Itxina, close to the Gorbea mountain, in the Basque Country

Javier's folder 13-Jan-2006