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Author Title Folder Created
Greg Mennegar Miss KAB1 e-30 Shots 03-Jul-2011
Bruno Nardin Miss Liberty Landscape 11-Jun-2007
Sergio Di Giovanni Miss long leg Some photos 08-Aug-2005
Nyal Cammack Miss Muffin

My Muffin, doing what she does best!

NCammack Photos 19-Feb-2012
Nyal Cammack Miss Sally

Miss Sally, my little girl. The shot was originally shot in black and white, I cropped it some and added some color to it using GIMP, trying to get that old timey feel since Sally is an old timey girl. When people ask me questions about her I always say that she believes she's the prettiest girl at the dance.

If for some reason or another you're against post processing then no worries. I happen to like what I created and we can always agree to disagree. Should you like a bit of post processing then hopefully you've looked at GIMP, a great program for the price!

NCammack Photos 17-Jun-2016
Paul Hall Mission Bay Sunset 2007 First Images 18-Oct-2007
Tom Barry Mission Espiritu Santo

Mono conversion of E-520 RAW file, using Topaz's BW Effects. Mission was built near Goliad, TX, in 1749, later abandoned and in 1866 was flattened by a hurricane. It was rebuilt during the Depression.

Architechture_1 06-Dec-2011
Donald Bryant Mission Hill Winery Gallery

The gallery at Mission Hill winery.

Architecture 05-May-2006
David Johnson Mission San Jose, San Antonio, Texas dwj pics 29-Mar-2015
paul missall Missouri Morning Paul's World 21-Oct-2012