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Author Title Folder Created
Dirk Guttmann McDonalds at any time Items 18-Aug-2005
X Z Mcgill St.2 xPhotography 01-Apr-2005
Tom Griffith MD 80

This photo is seemingly not great. Consider that it was taken from the ground (it was about 10,000 feet high) with a 150 mm zoom the first day that I had my new Oly E-500 and the camera was hand-held. I cropped this from the center of the photo shot at SHQ 3264 x 2448 resolution. I plan on using it on aircraft maybe several HUNDRED feet in the air. I'll post those photos as I make them!

BTW, I'm a private pilot and have been a plane-nut for over 50 years. Had this been taken with my C-5050 zoomed as far as it would go, or with my 35 mm SLR with a 200 mm lens, I wouldn't have known if it was a DC-9, Super 9 or MD-80 (or other name for this type of aircraft).

TomLou Photos 17-Nov-2005
Wen X Zhong Me

I don't want to scare u!! But this processing style is just what i learned from digital photo magazine

Vincent's C-8080 Folder 23-Jun-2005
Phil Battersby Me and my brother.

The bird table is getting so popular that unlikely pairings are happening. Not the best quality image but one which I find amusing.

Recent Photos 03-Jul-2005
dee vee Me and my shadow

Mt Hamilton

Abstracts 25-Sep-2013
Fonzy - Me and my Shadow...

When I noticed this little insect and it's shadow i had to take a image from it... Hope you like it..

My Macro 2007 30-Apr-2007
Karen Jack Me and Pip

Me and my walking buddy Pip up the Tap O' Noth Hill in Aberdeenshire.

Persons 24-Dec-2007
dee vee Me and you and a dog named Boo

Fort Funston Beach

The Bay Area 28-Nov-2013
Christopher Ashworth Me, myself & I

Close crop portrait taken with my E3

Common area 10-Mar-2008