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Author Title Folder Created
Kerland Elder Manhattan rasputtin 12-Dec-2004
Kerland Elder Manhattan Bridge rasputtin 11-Jun-2005
Kerland Elder Manhattan experiment rasputtin 14-Feb-2005
Kerland Elder Manhattan NY

This is a view of Eastside Manhattan from down town Brooklyn. NY

rasputtin 12-Jul-2005
Kerland Elder Manhattan NY (2)

A view from on the west side of Manhattan about 23 to 30 floor's up.

rasputtin 28-Apr-2007
Allan Barredo Manila Bay

my first panoramic shot, its far from perfect but its the only one I was able to *properly* stitch :), shot without the aid of a tripod.

Common area 20-Jun-2005
Emerson Go Manila Bay by night Emerson's Gallery 24-Mar-2005
Allan Barredo Manila City hall clock tower City view 11-Jul-2005
Allan Barredo Manila City hall clock tower at night City view 11-Jul-2005
Czaldy Garrote Mansaka

he term "Mansaka" derives from "man" meaning "first" and "saka" meaning "to ascend," and means "the first people to ascend the mountains or go upstream." The term most likely describes the origin of these people who are found today in Davao del Norte, specifically in the Batoto River, the Manat Valley, the Marasugan Valley, the Hijo River Valley, and the seacoasts of Kingking, Maco, Kwambog, Hijo, Tagum, Libuganon, Tuganay, Ising, and Panabo.

Natural Women 06-Mar-2011