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Jens Birch Lunar Eclipse

Taken just before totality at ~3.20 AM on October 28 through an Optolyth APO 100 spotting scope with a home-made eyepiece (the same achromatic triplet as I use for my extreme macro shots).

Jens' Nature 28-Oct-2004
Mark Lester Lunar Eclipse

Photomontage of Lunar Eclipse - 28 Aug 2007.

First image taken at 1:28am. Last image taken at 6:00am.

Bracketted image groups taken at 8-12 min intervals. Exposures ranged from 1/2500 @ f/5.6 (full) to 8 @ f/5.6 (total eclipse).

Mark's Moon Photos 19-Jan-2010
Christopher Ashworth Lunar Eclipse

Another photo sequence, this one done at -25c for 2 hrs.

Common area 18-Jan-2009
Joe Saladino Lunar Eclipse December 21, 2010

Collage of five images taken during this morning's lunar eclipse using Photoshop.

Common area 22-Dec-2010
Pedro Afonso Lunar landscape Pedro Afonso & E500 11-Apr-2006
Lee W Lunar-Scape on Earth

Soft morning light casts shadows on craters at top of Mt. Haleakala.

Lee's Collections 03-Oct-2007
Barry Vreyens Lunch Barry's 28-May-2008
Ben Gaunt Lunch

Macro handheld shot of a spider eating its lunch. Testing out the Hoya suplimentory filters/lens.

Ben Gaunt 06-Sep-2005
Frank Martens Lunch Frank Martens E300 01-Oct-2006
Hans Gerlich Lunch H Gerlich 10-May-2009