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Author Title Folder Created
scorpio s Lara scorpio 10-Aug-2007
Inge Severinsen Large Buddha Thailand/Travel 31-Oct-2012
Dale Boyce Large Drop of Sun

Setting Sun in the city of Port-of Spain Trinidad and Tobago.

Photos 07-Mar-2010
Mark Stodter Large Flower Mark_Stodter 16-Oct-2011
Wim Westerhof Large Marsh grashopper natur 26-Jul-2009
Ken Thomas Large Red Damselflies In Tandem and Egg Laying

Technically poor I know, but I just had this one chance before they flew off.

Male and female Large Red Damselflies (Pyrrhosoma Nymphula) in tandem as the female lays eggs.. Taken with a Four thirds 50-200 mm f2.8-3.5 (Non SWD) and an EX-25 extension tube mated to an OM-D E-M1 with an MMF-3. Cropped from 3456 x 4608 to 1413 x 1364 before seeing for the web.

Ken's Images 11-Jun-2015
Ken Thomas Large Red Damselfly

Female Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma Nymphula). Taken with a Four thirds 50-200 mm f2.8-3.5 (Non SWD) and an EX-25 extension tube mated to an OM-D E-M1 with an MMF-3.

Ken's Images 11-Jun-2015
Ken Thomas Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphal) - Head and Thorax

Heavy crop: 993 x 775 from 4608 x 3465. taken with FT 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 and EX-25 extension tube on E-M1 via MMF-3 adapter.

In light of Katrina's comment I have lightened the image a little to give it a little more 'punch'.

Ken's Images 15-Jun-2016
Ken Thomas Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphal) male

Four Thirds 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 and EX-25 on E-M1

Following comments re noise have reposted without sharpening.

Ken's Images 27-May-2016
Dave Hall Large Skipper Dave Hall's insect photos 17-Jul-2015