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Author Title Folder Created
Ken Thomas Humming Bird Moth Ken's Images 10-Jun-2016
Barry Vreyens HummingBird

Hummer at out feeder.

Barry's 11-Aug-2007
David Shayani Hummingbird

Here's a color humming Bird that I took. I really don't like the red plant on the tail of this hummingbird. But heck, I'm new to this and didn't know any better, ok that's my excuss. LOL. Happy Holidays.

David's Photography 23-Dec-2005
Lee W Hummingbird

This one is about 1.5-2 inches in length excluding the beak. I took this picture in my backyard garden. I was very lucky to get a sharp focus with the manual lens when the bird was moving rapidly and disappeared in a few seconds.

Lee's Collections 05-Aug-2007
Loren Lewis Hummingbird

Hummingbird at the feeder

Loren's Photos 12-Aug-2008
Barry Vreyens HummingBird (2)

In flight.

Barry's 31-Aug-2007
Loren Lewis Hummingbird (2)

Hummingbird approaching the feeder. Taken through a double paned glass window..unfortunately you can see some evidence of the window reflection on the backside of the tail.

Loren's Photos 04-Aug-2011
Loren Lewis Hummingbird (3)

Hummingbird facing the camera

Loren's Photos 18-May-2012
Hans Gerlich Hummingbird Hawkmoth H Gerlich 02-Jul-2006
Hans Gerlich Hummingbird Hawkmoth 1 H Gerlich 02-Jul-2006