The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Frank Martens House in Dolomiti Frank Martens E300 29-Jul-2005
Ken Thomas House of God

Interior St. Chad's Roman Catholic Cathedral, Birmingham, UK.

Ken's Images 19-Oct-2012
Pekka Nihtinen House of the rising oval sun

On my way to work one morning I saw this peculiar sunrise and I just had to stop and get my 5060 from backpack.

Common area 02-Mar-2006
Ben Poulter House on the hill

The church of Godshill, Isle of Wight

Portfolio Works 31-Dec-2005
Dave Hall House Orchid

Trying out my new OM-D

Close up & macro 06-Aug-2012
Fonzy - House Sparrow My Birds 2006 13-Feb-2006
Sergey Green House sparrow sngreen 24-Jun-2006
Peter French House Sparrow

Taken in my garden in Northern Scotland.

Peter's Birds 23-Sep-2006
Wim Westerhof House Sparrow Animals 30-Dec-2008
Fonzy - House Sparrow (2) Finally we had some good weather today and the light was perfect. I was able to shoot a few bird pictures again..
The second one that came by was a Sparrow, it was cleaning the feathers so intense that the undercoat came thru the top feathers.
A little messy it looked after a while
My Birds 2006 18-Feb-2006