The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Dave Hall Hello? My pets. 26-Apr-2006
kirsty bushell HELP Common area 23-Dec-2006
Fonzy - HELP

A little play in CS

Digital Art 05-Nov-2007
Ricardo Rico Help me please !!

a little bug trying to escape from the pond...

Ricardo R. Rico 31-Aug-2007
Greg Mennegar Help Portrait Project 2011

The Help Portrait project ( is a way for photographers to give to those in need. One of the photography instructors at the local community college helped organize some of her current and former students to volunteer their time. This was a lot of fun and the photo recipients really appreciated it. I volunteered to help set up lighting stations and this was shot 'strobist' style with a Sunpak 622 and brolly box for key light and a Sunpak 522 into an umbrella for fill.

e-30 Shots 14-Dec-2011
Pekka Nihtinen Helsinki Architectute

This building is just 75m from my office and I have a long time (few years in fact) waiting for suitable clouds to photograph it.

Common area 20-Jun-2010
fri go749 Helsinki port


Documents 04-Jul-2005
Bob Doucette Hemlock Bridge

Hemlock Covered Bridge over the Saco River in Fryeburg, Maine

Bob Doucette 15-Jul-2007
Bob Doucette Hemlock Covered Bridge Bob Doucette 08-Oct-2004
Ken Thomas Hemp Agrimony comes into flower

A couple of early visitors enjoy this nectar-rich flower.

Ken's Images 23-Jul-2014