The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Lee W Glory

Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Lee's Collections 24-Dec-2005
Bruce Thomas Gloss Mountain in Oklahoma, USA

This is one of the 'Gloss' (also called 'Glass') mountains that rise from the floor of the wheat belt plains in Oklahoma, USA. Road Trip, June 2008, taken with the Olympus C-8080 camera.

Bruce Thomas 12-Jun-2008
Nyal Cammack Gloucester Road

Gloucester Road sign in the Tube station...

NCammack Photos 13-Sep-2011
Jes Consuegra GLoves

Garden gloves

jesito pictures 02-May-2010
Tom Barry Glow 2

Another back-lit rose (for those who don't like insects or hot spots)

Common area 01-Apr-2011
Randall Beaudin Glow Worm

Unretouched shot of camp fire, taken with IR-300

RanD'Art 08-Aug-2008
Bob Anderson Glowing Cloud (Storm)

Sarasota Florida Skyline 30min before sunset storm clouds brewing in the east.

Bob's Shots 11-Aug-2007
Dan Grosz Glowing Pumpkins Common area 26-Oct-2004
Paul Yahya Glowing tubes C5050-gallery 12-Apr-2008
Udo Altmann Glowworm

About 10:30 p.m. it's the best time to observe glowworms in midsummer nights. The female can be photgraphed though it's usually difficult since they sit in the copse and once you get near enough focusing is a matter of luck. So I'm not yet satisfied ...

Nature and Abstractions 25-Jun-2005