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Author Title Folder Created
Ricard Bergstr?m Frosty leafs

Morningshot that I later converted to B&W...

B&W 02-Oct-2004
Dave Hall Frosty pillar box Odd shots 10-Jan-2009
Pekka Nihtinen Frosty Seascape Common area 15-Mar-2009
Dave Bennett Frosty Seat Leon Common area 21-Jan-2005
Neil Macleod Froth Ice Cicles natur 04-Nov-2009
Sergey Green Frozen sngreen 20-Jan-2006
Pekka Nihtinen Frozen breakfast grass

It had been about -5C at night and horses seemed to prefer frozen grass for breakfast alhtough there were green grass available in some spots too.

Common area 24-Oct-2007
Dietrich Gloger Frozen Danube

The frozen danube - actually a missleading title. The frozen water that is shown is a sidebranch of the danube that runs parallel to the "original" danube. It is man-made to take a way significant amount of water from the main stream during high-water times. As this is rarely the case, especially in winter, the watergates are closed most of the time and the flowrate is almost zero - hence it is covered by ice. That would never happen to the real danube.

Didl's Oly C-7070 pics 18-Jan-2006
Frank Snedaker Frozen in Flight

Canadian Geese sculpture display in the Eaton Centre, Toronto.

FSnedpics 13-Feb-2010
Ricardo Rico Frozen lady

Sculpture in Buda, Budapest

Ricardo R. Rico 09-Jan-2006