The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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paul missall Fountians Paul's World 24-Sep-2013
Igor Popovic Four

Four boats on Lake Bajer

Igor Popovic 11-Apr-2005
Pekka Nihtinen Four and Three

Threw dice whether to change format or stay. Odds were against but the result was unequivocal. Just joking :) I have zero interest towards APS-C and the only 35mm or "full" format that interests me is Leica M9 which is totally out of my budget.

Extremely shallow depth of field creates beautiful bokeh with this lens. Background consists of majiang (mah-jong) tiles.

Common area 26-Jul-2010
Pekka Nihtinen Four Views of Suomenlinna

Suomenlinna is a small group of inhabited islands in the Gulf of Finland just some 1,5km off the coast and Helsinki. It is one of my favourite shooting locations in helsinki and a popular place for picnics in summer. All four shots were taken using Pen E-P2 with Zuiko 12-60mm. I decided to test it in winter conditions (this morning it was some -10C). I like this camera very much for the size, usability and results it produces, but for rather extreme conditions and when used with big lenses and tripod I prefer E-3.

Common area 28-Nov-2010
dee vee Four wheel drive
Kanab, Utah

Spring in the Southwest 18-Jun-2013
Zdenek Becak four windows

It was taken in Nove Mesto square

historical buildings 23-Mar-2006
Mark Stodter Fourth of July Parade

Fourth of July Parade, Bethany Beach Delaware

Mark_Stodter 16-Jul-2011
Jean-Michel Meunier Fourvi?re

La basilique Notre Dame de Fourviere a Lyon

Photos E300 02-Nov-2006
Joyce Madden Fowl

Cherry Creek State Park, Colorado

Jpatm 16-Sep-2012
Udo Altmann Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) Nature and Abstractions 23-Jun-2005