The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Bob Doucette First Foliage

Fall is upon us...........

Bob Doucette 27-Sep-2008
Randall Beaudin First Frost

Leaf after first frost

RanD'Art 01-Dec-2004
Gerthard Crnkovic First frost Sea and lakes 13-Dec-2007
Neil Macleod First Garden flowers

Tomato Flowers

Flowers_1 10-May-2009
Torvald Bie First ground frost

Early morning, after the first cold night. Nice contrast between the red sky and the white frozen marchland. Not as sharp as I would like it to be, but the colours was fantastic.


North of the Arctic Circle 01-Oct-2006
Randall Beaudin First Ice RanD'Art 25-Dec-2004
Fonzy - First Image E5

The E5 is not available in the list yet so I marked the E3 camera...

Making some test shots with the new E5 ... Let me know what you think.. For questions always available.....

Have a good week-end..

E5-2010 21-Nov-2010
Fonzy - First Image E5 II

Taken with the new Olympus E5 Shot in JPG Waiting for the RAW converter from Adobe .....

E5-2010 21-Nov-2010
Fonzy - First Image E5 III

Taken with the new Olympus E5

E5-2010 21-Nov-2010
Leon Plympton First Lady (elect) - 2008:

220CT08 - Gainesville, FL (USA):

Michelle Obama - First Lady Elect:

Photo taken during a rally less than two weeks before her husband became the 44th president (elect) of the USA.

Common area 09-Nov-2008