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Author Title Folder Created
Moshe Ronen Europa Center

Europa Center in Berlin. In this image I exaggerated perspective on purpose, to achieve the feeling of height.

Perspective corrections 15-Oct-2004
fri go749 Europe Airpost Common area 01-Oct-2010
Peter French European Chaffinch

Taken today at Abernethy Forest, Highlands, Scotland.

Peter's Birds 13-May-2007
Dave Hall European Eagle Owl

Taken at an Owl & Falcon sanctury, Isle of Wight.

Dave Hall's bird photographs. 03-Apr-2005
Fonzy - European Gold Finch

This afternoon coming home we past a very tall tree walked by it and heared a very nice tinkel bell sound. We looked up and noticed a few European Gold Finches high in top of that tree.. After a while we walked on to home and I had plans to go back with my camera.... While grabbing my gear my wife said to me "they are sitting in the backyard now..." Yes she was right , looked outside and I spotted one ... Again high - up in the tree ,I made a few images than the bird left .. I think this is not a high quality photo because the distance was to far and I had a hard time holding my camera and telelens still... But anyway this is my first shot of an European Gold Finch so I had to add it to my collection of birds and post it on to the site.... HOPE YOU LIKE IT..

My Birds 2006 23-Aug-2006
Fonzy - European Gold Finch (2) Later this afternoon I went up to the attic where I can overview the top of the tree where the European Gold Finch a few time's landed. All my gear set-up incuding my tripod , did not have to wait long before I heared the high pitch tone and a sec later she set down on the top branch.... Made this shot with iso 400 because light conditions where not perfect anymore, also to get a fast shutterspeed due of the movement from that top twig where the bird was sitting on.. IMO this second shot looks much better, but you can tell me if you think otherwise...;-) My Birds 2006 23-Aug-2006
Waldemar Ozminkowski European Herring Gull Natrure 12-Oct-2012
Hans Gerlich European Peacock Butterfly H Gerlich 30-Jul-2010
juliette gribnau European Robin

just a little one; some of them stay in winter, some of them go

Birds of the Netherlands 30-Apr-2014
Dave Hall European Wolf

Taken at Wildwood, Kent UK.

David's animal photographs. 17-Feb-2007