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Author Title Folder Created
Fonzy - DragonFly (2)

Close encounter with a DragonFly

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 09-Aug-2005
manuel sousa Dragonfly (2) 06-Jul-2006
Leon Plympton DragonFly (2) Common area 22-Jan-2007
Hans Gerlich Dragonfly (2) H Gerlich 30-Jun-2008
Neil Macleod Dragonfly (2) Birds_1 15-Sep-2009
Fonzy - DragonFly (3)

This red DragonFly I noticed sitting on a beam close to the water.

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 18-Jul-2005
Hans Gerlich Dragonfly (3) H Gerlich 13-Jul-2008
manuel sousa Dragonfly (3) 21-Jul-2006
Leon Plympton DragonFly (3) Common area 22-Jan-2007
Fonzy - DragonFly (4)

This is again a DragonFly but I did not see it before in my garden.

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 07-Jul-2005