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Fonzy - Damselfly Close-up

Use F11 for a better view..... Have my OM 50 mm cleaned, came in today so time for a test run:

Setup for this image E-300-FL50-OM 4/3 Adapter-Panagor auto macro converter-OM 50mm 1.4

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 23-Aug-2005
Fonzy - Damselfly in a mirrow

Press F11 for a better view:

To finish of the serie of Damselfly I created a little JOKE.

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 26-Aug-2005
Fonzy - DamselFly in Blue

Beautifull colours of this DamselFly

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 03-Jul-2005
Fonzy - Damselfly Mating I must say this is not my habit to watch insects as they are mating , this morning I noticed two flies and this afternoon the Damselflies did the same....Must be in the AIR My Insects 2006 24-Jun-2006
Fonzy - Damselfly on a stick

Took my old E-1 and the Sigma 150mm macro lens to make this shot....

My Macro 2007 29-Aug-2007
Fonzy - DamselFly on Flower

Second shot with E-300 and ZD 50 mm/2.0 macro lens.

Thanks to Phil I have to right name now...

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 27-Jun-2005
Sergey Green Damselfly on the branch

Just fiddling with Tamron. Wish there were only native Olumpus mounts for those some day. - Sergey

sngreen 07-Jul-2006
Fonzy - DamselFly's

They are laying there eggs or larve under the water surface on top of a plant. Very interesting to see, almost drawning the femail as I could see.

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 21-Jun-2005
Greg Mennegar Dana Sue

Head shot with Olympus e-510 and Sigma OM 90MM Macro lens at Point Defiance Park, Tacoma, WA

Sigma OM 90 2.8 Macro Shots 25-Apr-2008
Arun Prabhu Danaid Eggfly

Also called Hypolimnas misippus by scientific name is a widespread species of nyphalid butterfly.

Common area 09-Sep-2010