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Scott Peden Damsel in distress

The wings were still drying, they flopped all over the place when it tried to fly so it was apparent, it was in distress to see me so close. As it was, the Flash helped speed the drying of it's wings. Later i was in distress, I shot everything in HQ instead of SHQ losing half of my potential data.

Scott Peden 23-Jun-2016
Fonzy - Damselflies My Macro 2007 08-May-2007
Hans Gerlich Damselflies H Gerlich 28-May-2009
Fonzy - DAMSELFLIES (2) E-3 2008 31-Jul-2008
Fonzy - Damselflies mating 2020 Olympus E M1 mark II 20-Dec-2020
Fonzy - DamselFly

An other DamselFly, my favorite object lately....

My-Damsel and DragonFly 2005 06-Jul-2005
Christopher Ashworth DamselFly

I found the 'Fon Swal' in me when I took this... shot of a DamselFly

Common area 06-Jul-2006
manuel sousa Damselfly 22-Sep-2006
Ricardo Rico Damselfly first damselfly shot !! taken some weeks ago.

Ricardo R. Rico 01-Oct-2006
Hans Gerlich Damselfly H Gerlich 28-May-2009