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Author Title Folder Created
barry cross Daffodil Field Barry's East Anglia 22-Sep-2006
Mike McMullen Daffodil Glory

A Daffodil catches the early morning sun about 300 feet from my front door.

Mike's Pics 27-Mar-2008
Christopher Ashworth Daffy

A daffodil

Common area 25-Feb-2005
Bob Doucette Daisy Bob Doucette 21-Jun-2007
Lee W Daisy Lee's Collections 06-Jul-2007
Joyce Madden Daisy

Used the black and white option on the camera to take this photo.

Jpatm 21-Jan-2008
Damjan Gosak daisy

I took this in the garden near my home. I know there are many of this ones in the gallery. But still, thank you for your comments.

My photos - olympus 02-Jun-2009
Kerland Elder Daisy #1

Shot was taken in May 2005, found the flower growing wild in the neighborhood.

rasputtin 27-Feb-2006
Kerland Elder Daisy #2

Taken the same time as shot #1

rasputtin 27-Feb-2006
Adam Kozik Daisy Diminutives Natura 10-Jan-2012