The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Fonzy - Crane flies (Tipulidae) My Insects 2006 30-Nov-2006
mark helm Crane Fly in the Rain

I found this crane fly sitting in a clump of grass waiting for the rain to stop. Light rain and no wind allowed me to take a focal stack to attempt to get a DOF front to rear.

mark_h Macro Gallery 18-Sep-2011
Sergey Green Cranes (London) sngreen 31-Aug-2005
Alex Bibi Cranes at sunset Alex first e300 shots 04-Jul-2005
Rina Kupfer Crash Rina's 26-Jun-2008
Pekka Nihtinen CRASH!

This image of walls coming tumbling down was shot handheld from quite far away with a cheap telezoom at its maximum focal lenght. Cropped about 30% and heavily postprocessed -much much more this time than I usually do. And the result still looks quite decent - I am constantly amazed what modern consumer cameras can do - all of them no matter what brand one is shooting with. But on the other hand digital technology has made photography also much more complicated than it used to be unless one developed films him/herself.

Common area 30-Jun-2013
Andrew Mclean crashig wave

on this picture i used two layer masks one to bring out the rocks but keep the skys colour and the second to darken the sky and then used the gradient tool to slowly mask between foreground and background.

starting out 24-Mar-2006
Andrew Mclean crashing wave

high iso shot during a walk out along the coast

starting out 08-Jun-2006
Chris Rego Crawling Tree Chris Rego 25-Feb-2007
Rachel Kneubuhler Creamy rose Rachel's bits and pieces 15-Aug-2008