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Hans Koren coletit serie98

17th shot of a serie of 20, to be shown as a slideshow.

coletits 17-Jun-2006
Hans Koren coletit serie99

18th shot of a serie of 20, to be shown as a slideshow.

coletits 17-Jun-2006
Hans Koren coletit serie991

19 th shot of a serie of 20, to be shown as a slide show.

coletits 18-Jun-2006
Hans Koren coletit serie992

20th and last shot of a serie of 20, to be shown as a slideshow.

It was fun making this serie and I learned a lot more about the possibillity's of settings on the camera. I wrote some of it down by the slide's so ohters can bennefit of it. I hope you'll enjoy the slideshow now its finished. If you have suggestions to improve the technical aspects I hope you let me know. Perhaps I will make anohter one next year if the coletits wil breed again in this bird house and show the improvement.

coletits 18-Jun-2006
Ruben Cheng Colibri Ruben Cheng 03-Dec-2005
Fonzy - Collared Dove

Distinctive with its buffy-pink plumage and black neck collar, it is usually seen singly or in pairs, although flocks may form where food is plentiful. It feeds on the ground but readily perches on roofs and wires. The collared dove is now one of our most common birds and its monotonous cooing is a familiar sound.

My Birds 2006 23-Jan-2006
Hans Gerlich Collared Dove H Gerlich 15-Apr-2007
Fonzy - Collared Dove (2)

Today I picked up a 1.4 teleconverter and attached it to the E5 and the 300mm 2.8 shot this Collared Dove in the back yard ....( 425 mm ) or analog ( 850 )

2011-E5 10-Mar-2011
Fonzy - Collared Dove (Revised)

I worked on it like Sergey suggested on the Dove I posted before. The Dove has indeed more detail in the feathers, due of partial noise reduction (only on the background).. Thanks Sergey for the remark on that....

My Birds 2006 23-Jan-2006
Fonzy - Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)

Collared Doves are much smaller than the pigeons, with a longer, narrower tail and pinky-buff plumage. They are easily told from Turtle Doves by their plain upperparts and neat black line around the back of the neck.

This Dove came to get some food of a just installed feeder.... My new Tokina lens was ready for a tryout.....

My Birds 2005 19-Dec-2005