The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Barry Vreyens Chihuly Garden and Glass 1

Chihuly Garden and Glass Seattle Washington All Hand Held

Barry Photos 06-Jul-2013
Barry Vreyens Chihuly Garden and Glass 2 Barry Photos 06-Jul-2013
Barry Vreyens Chihuly Garden and Glass 3 Barry Photos 06-Jul-2013
Barry Vreyens Chihuly Garden and Glass 4 Barry Photos 07-Jul-2013
ricky kuswardono child beggar

Child beggar is eating in Braga street in Bandung, Indonesia

Photos 16-Dec-2009
Gluko Rizon Child in the dark

This photo was taken without flash in a rather dark tent. I like the reddish noisy shadows in the face of my sun.

Gluko's photos 14-Aug-2006
Child Star (end of Innocence)

This is Shannon. She is a 15 year old aspiring model and she volunteered to help me with an assignment I had for a photo workshop. The assignment was to try to mimic the style of a famous photographer. This was my attempt to mimic Dave LaChapelle. Together we came up with this idea. She is teetering on the brink of adolesence and her new found womanhood and she wants to shake her child like image. This is actually 2 photos of Shannon on top of one another. I used the trusty erasure tool..and voila!!

Sloball's Photo-Art 08-Mar-2006
David Atrakchi child's dream David's 08-Jun-2008
Bruce Thomas Children of mars...

C-2100UZ / R-72

Bruce Thomas 17-Jun-2007
Luis Moreno Chilly Night at Bernebeu

Recent "Blancos" Home Game on a crisp winter night.

Madrid Winter 14-Feb-2013