The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
dee vee Chariots of fire

Bodie Ghost Town

Eastern Sierra 14-Nov-2013
Javier Elejalde Charles bridge

The Charles Bridge in Prague

Javier's folder 15-Nov-2005
Margo Harrison Charles Dickens My Roses 22-Jan-2006
Eben Gay Charles River Ice

Ice on the edge of the Charles River in Boston. 24 degrees f so the Charles is freezing from the edges inward.

Photos 11-Jan-2015
Eben Gay Charles River Ice - abstract

Cropping Charles River Ice to an abstract geometric image.

Photos 15-Jan-2015
Eben Gay Charles River Ice - crop

Crop of previous Charles river ice at Alfred's suggestion to remove the wall

Photos 15-Jan-2015
Tom Nichols Charlie

My cat Charlie, captured on the shed roof in the afternoon sun.

Timnic Pics 08-Jul-2006
Natasha SS CHARTER FLIGHT OlympusLover NSS 13-Aug-2007
Rian Houston Chasm Lake

Taken on a hike to Chasm Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park. You can see more images of this hike at:

Rian Houston 12-Oct-2004
Bruno Nardin Chateau de Fontainebleau Landscape 19-Aug-2007