The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Roger Willoughby-Price Canoe Part

An upside down canoe pulled up the beach.

Roger Willoughby-Price 01-Jan-2006
Carli Fronius Canon Film Camera CarliJayne 08-Aug-2011
Robert Skinner cant you see i'm eating! alice 05-Jul-2005
Pedro Afonso Cantaro Magro Pedro Afonso & E500 03-Mar-2006
Dave Hall Canterbury Cathedral Interior Odd shots 15-Feb-2013
dee vee Canyon

Lake Powell, Arizona

Spring in the Southwest 10-Aug-2013
dee vee Canyon under clouds

Lake Powell Canyon

Spring in the Southwest 19-Nov-2013
dee vee Canyons

Glen Canyon

Spring in the Southwest 13-Jul-2013
Victor Biefnot Cap's pano #1

This is an old farm situated just in front of my home and falling actually into ruins. Its owner, deceased, was named Mr. Capart.

Capart's poor old farm... 30-Jan-2010
Victor Biefnot Cap's' pano' #4

We always are facing the same area.. Fortunately, this time, I remembered that colors exist..

Capart's poor old farm... 02-Feb-2010