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Author Title Folder Created
Arun Prabhu White-browed wagtail

Also called Large Pied Wagtail or Motacilla maderaspatensis by scientific name. I got inspired by Wim's posting and pulled out an image of a similar species from my archive - Pic taken on 07 Feb 2010.

Common area 11-Apr-2011
Alexander koenders White-taile eagle

Phtotgraph take at Japan two weeks ago.

Wildlife photography 15-Mar-2011
Kim Willer White/Blue Kim's photo 22-Feb-2006
Dave Hall Whitebell

Whitebell in my garden.

David's flower photographs 30-Apr-2005
Enrica Fantoni whitered roses

one of my very first picture with my new olimpus E500...

ika's 19-Jun-2006
Donald Bryant whitestone in moonlight

Whitestone Mountain exposed at noon and adjusted to look like moonlight

Landscapes 27-Oct-2006
Alexander koenders Whitetailled eagle

Hanging in the sky waiting to get a fish.

Wildlife photography 15-Sep-2011
John Williamson Whitewell church Dunsop Bridge 06-Nov-2006
manuel sousa White_Flowers 30-Nov-2006
Dave Hall Whitstable pub. David's landscapes. 15-Apr-2006