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Dietrich Gloger Water&Stone

This small waterhole caught my attention. I tried to emphasize the contrast between the calm watersurface and the rough rocks surounding it. Therefore a b/w-conversion to focus on texture and pattern, not on color. Btw, way this is neither an insect, a flower nor does it show a human beeing, yet i dare to post it here ;-)

Didl's Oly C-7070 pics 15-Aug-2006
Lee W Water, Moss, and Rocks Lee's Collections 04-May-2008
syed noman Water,Sky & Bridge PATJHAR 08-Jul-2007
syed noman Water1 PATJHAR 31-May-2007
syed noman Water2 PATJHAR 31-May-2007
Joe Saladino Waterboarding in Old Myakka

My nephew John waterboarding along an agricultural canal in Myakka City, Florida while being towed by an ATV four-wheller on land.

Photos 09-Jul-2011
Pedro Afonso Waterdrop Pedro Afonso & E500 14-Jun-2007
Henry Ekholm Waterdrops

On a foggy afternoon spidernets gather waterdrops.

Plants 29-Oct-2004
Henry Ekholm Waterdrops 2

On a foggy afternoon spidernets gather waterdrops.

Plants 29-Oct-2004
Henry Ekholm Waterdrops 3

On a foggy afternoon spidernets gather waterdrops.

Plants 29-Oct-2004