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Author Title Folder Created
John Ballance The Birds

Brighton seafront, England. Made me think of Hitchcock

JohnB's photos 08-Jul-2005
dee vee The birds

Funston Beach

Water scapes 10-Nov-2013
dee vee The Birds revisited

Bodega town

Urban scenes 14-Dec-2013
Stephan Wiesner The Birse at Dusk

Finally got the water smooth and silky. Picture was taken at dawn.

Common area 03-Oct-2004
Arun Prabhu The Black Beauty

The Black Drongo or Dicrurus macrocercus by scientific name. This bird is specifically recognized by its forked tail. "The species is known for its aggressive behaviour towards much larger birds, such as crows, never hesitating to dive-bomb any birds of prey that invades its territory" - Wiki

Common area 13-Jan-2014
Kerland Elder The Black Leopard

This is a shot I took sometime last year that was ruined by me forgetting to switch off the internal flash, which reflected off the huge glass I was shooting through, so I decided to try and salvage it in PS 6.0 with the limited experience I have working with this powerful soft-ware, and that's the end result as you can see, didn't want to dump it cause I thought of it as a good shot that was blown.

rasputtin 02-Jun-2005
Kerland Elder The Blizzard of 2005 rasputtin 24-Jan-2005
Sergey Green The Boat sngreen 17-Jul-2005
Hans Gerlich The Boat H Gerlich 23-Jul-2009
Dave Hamlin The Boat's Been Left

Just a small pond near home that the young kids are able to fish in by themselves.

0- Maine, USA by Dave Hamlin 21-Oct-2008