The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Lee W Silent Night Lee's Collections 19-Nov-2008
tom neal Silent Witness in a Sculpture Garden

A visit to the local Art Museum in Palm Springs.

She waits patiently for someone to notice....

Sir_Toejam's Macros 18-Apr-2005
Dirk Guttmann Silenzium

Gravejard in Dalmatia (Croatia)

Sky & Water Dirk 20-Oct-2005
Christopher Goff Silhouette Montana 23-Mar-2005
Nino Rivas Silhouette Nino's Images 05-Sep-2005
karmen orlić gr?etić silhouettes karmen photos 18-Jun-2006
Katrina Adams Silhouettes

The Kosrae reef has some of the most spectacular coral in the Pacific.

Katrina's Kosrae Images 14-Feb-2012
dee vee Silicon Valley

Bay Area

The Bay Area 27-Sep-2013
Herbert Eisengruber Silk Herbert Eisengruber 19-Jul-2005
Ingrid Matschke Silk butterfly?

I don't know what this flower is called but the centre of it looks like a butterfly made from silk.

Close up/Macro 15-Mar-2007