The Photographic Community for Users of Olympus and OM system micro 4/3 digital cameras and E-series DSLRs

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Author Title Folder Created
Dave O Rocks And Rolling Looseknee's Pics 13-May-2008
DeeVee V Rocks and sand

Seal rocks off Ocean beach, San Francisco

Heavenscapes 19-Jan-2007
Juan Salvatierra Rocks and Sea JSC 20-Jul-2005
Pekka Nihtinen Rocks and water

A HDR image of 10 shots. My favourite pile of rocks revisited. Location is Gulf of Finland in Uutela in eastern Helsikni.

Common area 13-Dec-2009
Greg Mennegar Rockstar! e-30 Shots 23-May-2011
Bobby Demarco Rocky & Soccer Ball Demarco 20-Jul-2005
Pekka Nihtinen Rocky beach as HDR

So here´s my first HDR attempt. I purchased Photomatix Pro this week and it works beautifully with Lightroom as a plugin. There´s so much new things to learn so I guess it will take quite a lot of time before I can get results that I am satisfied with - I mean results that do not look like HDR;)

Common area 01-Nov-2009
Steve Elliott Rocky Moorland

Another pano from my brief walk along Carhead Rocks Derbyshire. 2 shots stitched + 0.6 Graduated ND filter.

Steve Elliott 13-Dec-2006
Gary Hebert Rocky Mountain Winter Common area 17-Feb-2005
Greg Mennegar Rocky Raccoon

I had a raccoon on my back porch the other night and used it as an opportunity to try out the e-3's high ISO capabilities. The original shot had some blue and purple banding in it, but I didn't find the overall noise to be unacceptable, at least for a web size image.

Greg's e-3 27-Nov-2010